Tuesday, November 4, 2008

chiajungchi, creator of dolphin video

Views: 3,080,925
From: chiajungchi
Added: December 16, 2007

This video
is dedicated to the best employee at Sea World, Orlando.

The music is "No One is Alone from Into the Woods" (Instrumental) by John Williams; The Boston Pops Orchestra. From the Album Music of the Night: Pops on Broadway 1990 CD.
Category: Pets & Animals
Dolphin play bubble ring Sea World Orlando 海豚 dolfijn dauphin Delphin δελφίνι delfino イルカ 돌고래 golfinho дельфин delfín

***** Something About The Dolphin Video *****

When I took this video, my feeling was mixed. On one hand I was totally amazed by the intelligence level displayed on these dolphins. On the other hand I was a little bit sad on where these intelligent beings are - the captive environment. This somewhat peaceful yet depressing music on the background seems fully express my mixed feelings. When I try to write the description for the video, it strikes me that we all like dolphin - live in somewhat constrained environment whether it is our choice or not. Suddenly it inspired me that we should learn from this dolphin to enjoy the live no matter where our circumstance is and to use our intelligence to the highest possible level it could be. To respect these dolphins, I decide to call them the employees at Sea World. And this video is especially dedicated to the best employee at Sea World.

Age: 36
Country: United States


11/24/08 Message from: chiajungchi

Re: Re: your comment on dolphin video

Let me share the story of how the video got here instead of declaring to you "I am the creator of the video". It all linked back to our son, he is 8 month old at that time (Dec. 2007). We live in Greensboro, NC and were originated from Taiwan. We plan to have a trip to Taiwan next year and were worrying about how the baby is going to cope with the trip. So we decided to take a trip to Orlando first so we could have a better planning for our long trip latter. I have a coworker his name is Chris Arries. His wife worked at Discovery Cove that belongs to the same enterprise as Sea World. She had some free admission vouchers for Sea World and kindly gave them to us. To be honest, we would not be at Sea World at that time if not because of the free admission vouchers. To cut the story short, we were at Sea World in dolphin pool area. The baby was mounted on my shoulder and we walked down to the observation site of the dolphin pool. I suddenly saw the amazing scene – dolphin playing bubble rings. I was not sure where the bubble rings coming from but knew this is an extraordinary scene. I passed the baby to the mom and got my Canon S3 digital camera to start the video recording. The dolphin must know people were watching them and was doing the show for us. I am not sure how many dolphins could do the trick. It could be only one that is really good at this. Anyway, he blowed the bubble ring in front of us and redirected the ring to keep it in front of us. At that moment, I know the whole trip is going to be different. My feeling at that moment is hard to describe. Probably awesome is the right word for it. Just when I thought they will continue doing this forever, it suddenly stopped. There were no more dolphins in front of us. We wait there for a while and eventually came out from the observation site. Once we saw the dolphin again on the dolphin pool then we understood why they all disappeared. They were busy on having their meal. It’s the feeding time!

After back to Greensboro, I could not wait to share what I saw to the world. I happened to have a youtube account that is used to share our baby’s video to relatives and friends. I have not edited any video before but feel I need put some music to cover the noise recorded with the video. Because of the baby, we went to library and check out some CDs every week to let him listen on different music. I started listening through CDs checked out from library and feel one seems match the feeling of the video best. Without paying too much attention on the title of the music, the video was edited and uploaded to youtube website. The CD was returned to library the next week. On January 2008, the video was featured on youtube. People start asking about what the title of the music is. I told them I do not know. Eventually, someone like you found it out and emailed the information to me. Since then, if someone sent me a personal message to asking about the music I would response back to them the information. Sorry for not be able to response back to you the information and let you spend some time to figuring it out.

Jack Chi


My reply, Nov. 4, 2008: What an incredible, wonderful story you have told, and an experience you have witnessed and recorded. This is absolutely amazing! I live in Oxford NC, 45 minutes East of Durham and Duke University. I live in Panajachel, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala half the time - and hopefully more this coming year.

PLEASE be sure to let me know if you are coming our way before I leave for Guatemala on Dec 14th. I'll be back in the Spring if you aren't coming this way before I go. Write me anytime at my real email ctodd1000@gmail.com. What a great story, especially about the music. Someone somehow recognized the piece and posted it on the internet where I found it. You have no idea (or maybe you do!) of the phenomena you have created with this tiny little beautiful video. It reminds me of my other email friend, Eggman913, who did the wonderful "Women in Art" video. Have you seen that one?

Write more anytime. I hope you can post this whole story you told me in the video notes or somewhere where others can enjoy it. It's just great. What an incredible experience. I've had a few magical mystical experiences myself with animals and nature, but I've never seen anything like this. Have you found out if any other dolphins at Discovery Cove are doing this? What do they say about the video and the dolphin activity?

Thanks so much for writing...

Your friend in magical wonder, Catherine Todd, Oxford NC, 919.693.0853, ctodd1000@gmail.com

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